Saturday 1 June 2013

Progressive Porn

How the Do-Gooding Know-Besting Take-Control Progressive Elitists salivate at the prospect at having humankind on their knees on a chain.

The Climate Change Challenge and the Failure of Democracy, published in 2007, relished the prospect of the authoritarian form of government they deemed necessary, 'but this will be governance by experts and not by those who seek power', oh those self-sacrificing souls, putting their knowledge and their lives at the service of the masses they would dominate.

Their masterplan is clearest in its real intent when they are describing the universities of this authoritarian, liberty-impoverished future:

“The freedom to pursue knowledge as the individual sees fit is a mistake, for freedom must be considered in the context of the needs of society as a whole.... The Real University will have an agenda, which includes priorities for those tasks to be pursued that are essential to the future well-being of humanity.”

Why have I picked on this? Simply because this is a prize example of the new montrousness. Where once such a book would have been have regarded as the product of fascistic thinking, and as inimical to the true purpose of academic study, post-modernity has arrived at a place where these ideas are the property of the liberal, the left, the progressive - the world has turned upside down at the behest of those who would control our every action and thought up to and including what we are permitted to learn and speak of.

And in that mindset, book-burning becomes amusing, as seen in this now-deleted image from the San Jose State University Meteorology Department web page. The caption from the SJSU website read:
This week we received a deluge of free books from the Heartland Institute. The book is entitled “The Mad, Mad, Made World of Climatism”. Shown above, Drs. Bridger and Clements test the flammability of the book.
Government by expert, technocracy, or progressive tyranny, or an attempt to bring into being Plato's philosopher-king, the dispassionate, clever and principled autocrat, every single one of these leave the ruled mass waiting for the knock on the door, denouncement as a dissident, or holding mumbled conversations with like-minded folk in the shadows, perpetually looking over the shoulder for the righteous thought police. Denormalisation will soon be the general rule and it seems that it is only those who have long had a tenuous grasp on social acceptance, who are accustomed to be lectured and hectored by the man-from-the-council and the woman-from-the-social before shrugging and turning away, who have noticed the ramping up of efforts to police the minutiae of behaviour, preparing the ground for some imagined utopia of order, cleanliness, ponies and rainbows.

No, no, no. These people think we are their pets. The trouble is, when a pet turns vicious or 'sick', a one-way trip to the vet is perfectly legitimate.

Who are the monsters?

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